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Composition of natural food for Koi


The Koi carp belongs to the group of omnivores, with its diet consisting mainly of tiny aquatic organisms [1] .


The main components of Koi food


Based on intestinal examinations of two-year-old carp, the food components found can be divided into three categories:

  • Crustaceans (Daphnia) [2]
  • Insects (Chironomidae) [2]
  • Food components (algae, plants, particles, etc.) [2]


Frequency and choice of food


The most important representatives of crustaceans are water fleas, while the insects are primarily chironomid larvae. The intestinal contents of a fish and their composition vary depending on the abundance of food. Food that is easy to ingest and is abundant is preferred. Over the course of the year, these can be, for example, insect larvae, water fleas, plant substances, snails and similar small animals [3] .


The nutritional composition of Koi food


The natural food has a high water content with only a low concentration of nutrients. Therefore, the carp must eat a large amount of food. The natural food has a high protein and fat content of up to 60% protein and 28% fat in the dry matter (without water content) [4] . The average protein content in the natural food is given as 55% [3] .


The debate about the right protein/fat ratio


A frequently discussed topic in the area of Koi nutrition is the correct protein/fat ratio of the food. This should always be based on the natural food intake of the Koi carp. Last but not least, Koi farms and pond farms still use natural food to raise their baby koi and young fish, as this is the optimal diet.


Conclusion: What is the most important thing in Koi nutrition?


In summary, it can be said that it is not the percentage of protein and fat that is crucial for nutrition, but the absolute amount of protein and fat consumed from food. The ratio of protein to fat is also relevant. Carbohydrates play a minor role in Koi nutrition. From a nutritional point of view, Koi only need small amounts of carbohydrates for growth.


Scientific sources:
[1] Geldhauser, F. & Gerstner, P. (2011): The pond farmer. Carp and minor fish . 9th revised edition. Ulmer Stuttgart, pp. 76 – 93.
[2] Barthelmes, D. (1967): Estimation of natural food conditions in carp ponds as a basis for improving the condition of carp and increasing yields . Dt. Fischerei-Ztg 14 (11), 330 – 343.
[3] Schäperclaus, W. & Lukowicz, MV (1998): Textbook of pond farming . 4th revised edition. Parey. Berlin, pp. 51 – 209.
[4] Schreckenbach, K. (2015): Nutrition of carp in ponds: Koi hobby . Institute for Inland Fisheries e. V. Potsdam-Sacrow.