Home 9 Choosing an Aeration System

Which HIBLOW Pond Aerator Model Should I Buy?

  • HIBLOW manufactures air pump models for pond applications: HP and WG Series.  All models are made to the high quality HIBLOW brand standard yet have some differences.  Water depth, the energy source, size requirement, air volume, noise level, and budget may all be considerations when choosing the best model for your pond.


Aeration System Recommendations for Best Results

  • Keep the pump covered and in the shade, and allow for enough air circulation around the pump.
  • 1/2″ ID tubing/ weighted line is suggested for distances between 50′-100′ and 3/4″ ID beyond 100′.
  • You may consider using a “Y” connection instead of a “T” connection when splitting the line for multipe diffusers to reduce backpressure.
  • Use medium bubble diffusers to limit backpressure and increase air flow. Place each at the same depth, or use ball valves to even out the air flow/ pressure.

Pump Sizing Recommendations

  • HIBLOW recommendations are general guidelines for selecting a pump
  • For depths greater than 6′, you may want to consider bumping up to the next size pump to offset the loss of air from the increase in pressure.
  • If you have an odd or kidney shaped pond, it may be advisable to contact a pond distributor for guidance as you may need multiple diffusers to properly mix and aerate the whole pond.
  • If breeding specific types of fish, we would recommend consulting with an aquatic specialist before selecting a pump as certain breeds require different levels of oxygen.
  • Select a model for full specifications

More Pond Aeration Content

  • What Size Air Pump Should I Buy?
  • Subsurface aeration is the best way to mechanically initiate the transfer of oxygen into a pond. Although micro bubbles – created by air flowing through a diffuser – add some dissolved oxygen, the greatest transfer occurs as water circulates to the surface. Water at the surface absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere and then circulates back to the bottom of the pond. Turning over the pond – the process of moving the entire volume of water to the surface periodically – creates an oxygen rich environment at all depths. In turn, fish can thrive, and conditions are right to break down organic matter and reduce/ prevent algae blooms.
  • Given the importance of water circulation, choosing the right size pond aerator is critical for getting the best results
  • If you are planning on 2 diffusers or less with a water depth of 6 feet or less, the recommendations in the sizing table (method 1) below should be a good starting point, but few applications are black and white.


Method 1: Pond aerator sizing table



Method 2: Sizing a pond aerator by the number of diffusers

  • Every pond is unique in size, shape, and depth. Figuring out the number of diffusers needed to mix the entirety of the pond and working backwards can be a prudent strategy. For example, if you have a kidney shaped pond, you probably need at least 3 diffusers. Some ponds may need 4 if they have multiple coves.


Pond Aerator Sizing Steps:

  • Choose the number of diffusers based on the shape and size of your pond.
  • Identify which model diffuser you are going to buy. Manufacturers typically publish how much air flow is needed to “self-clean” – the amount of air flow that will keep the pores open and free of biological growth. Somewhere in the 30-40 LPM (liter per minute) is common and creates good circulation.
  • Figure out the back pressure of your system (water pressure + diffuser backpressure + tubing friction loss).


Calculating System Backpressure:

  1. Calculate water depth backpressure: Every 2.31 ft. of water depth is = 1 PSI. Example: the water pressure for an 8’ deep pond is: 8’/2.31 = 3.46 PSI
  2. Identify diffuser backpressure: A popular suggestion on the internet is a fine bubble stone diffuser, which can add as much as 1.5 PSI to the system and can easily plug. HIBLOW recommends a medium bubble diffuser which typically puts less than 0.25 PSI on the system. Regardless of which diffuser size/ type you choose, it is important to be able to estimate the amount of pressure the diffuser adds to your system. Also note the amount of air flow recommended for the diffuser. If below the minimum flow recommended, the air may not be strong enough to open the pores and “self-clean”. This information will be important at the end of this exercise.
  3. Calculate friction loss: Air flowing through the tubing will create friction loss (added pressure). The air pump size, length of the tubing, number of lines, elbows, and diameter of the tubing will all factor into the calculation.First, we need to figure out the diameter of tubing that is best for your set-up. As a rule of thumb, for any run within 50’ a 3/8” tube is likely ok. From 50’-100’ we typically suggest ½” diameter tubing. Anything beyond 100’ we suggest ¾’ diameter tubing. However, that is just a rule of thumb and there are exceptions based on the amount of air flow from the pump (pump size) and the back pressure.


Steps to calculate friction loss:

  • Example 1: We have a ½ acre circular pond at 8’ depth. The pump will be 100’ from the diffuser. We looked at the HIBLOW pump sizing chart and determined that the HP-80 with 1 medium bubble diffuser is the best solution.
  • Step 1: Add the water pressure and the diffuser pressure together. 8’ deep/ 2.31 = 3.46 PSI. Our medium bubble diffuser adds 0.25 PSI. Total: 3.71 PSI
  • Step 2: Determine the airflow of the HP-80 at 3.71 PSI. First, click on the HP-80 in the HIBLOW Model column on our website. Under product details, click “download specifications”. Looking at the HP-80 graph (pictured below): the air flow is right around 2 CFM or 57 LPM at 3.71 PSI. The red line shows how the graph is interpreted.


pond aerator, pond aeration system

  • Step 3: Reference the HIBLOW USA Friction Loss Chart. The chart specifies PSI per 100’ of tubing. The friction loss at 2 CFM or 57 LPM is about .45 PSI for 3/8” diameter tubing or 0.14 PSI for ½” tubing. In this case we would probably suggest going with the ½” tubing to reduce the pressure and increase the airflow.

*The chart is for schedule 40 PVC tubing. Use the nominal diameter sizes for PVC. Reference in the inside diameter numbers for weighted tubing.

**If you were running the tubing 200’ for example, you would need to multiply the PSI by 2 to get the total friction loss. Friction loss at 200’ would be 0.9 PSI if using 3/8” diameter tubing and 0.28 PSI if using ½”.

  • Step 4: Calculate the Total System Pressure: Water pressure + diffuser pressure + friction loss.

For this example, our total system pressure using ½ diameter tubing is 3.85 PSI (3.46 PSI+ 0.25 PSI+ 0.14 PSI). Looking back at the HIBLOW flow    chart/ pressure chart (above), the total airflow entering the pond will be around 50-55 LPM or 2 CFM. At this point it is important to make sure the airflow fits within the diffuser recommendation range.

  • Example 2: Adding a second diffuser. We will keep all other variables the same. We have a ½ acre kidney shaped pond at 8’ depth. Since it is kidney shaped, it probably makes sense to add a second diffuser. The pump will be 100’ from each diffuser. The tube will run 50’ from the pump to the pond shoreline and then 50’ from the manifold or Y fitting to each diffuser. We selected the HP-80 with (2) medium bubble diffusers.
  • Adding a second diffuser changes some variables, particularly the friction loss. Since you are splitting the line, if the depth is the same, 50% of the air flow will go to each diffuser. We do recommend installing ball valves at the split which helps even out the flow if the diffusers are at different depths.
  • Step 1: Add the water pressure and the diffuser pressure together. 3.46 PSI + 0.25 PSI. Total: 3.71 PSI. Adding a second diffuser of the same kind does not increase the backpressure
  • Step 2: Since the backpressure of the diffusers and water pressure did not change, the flow remains at ~2 CFM or 57 LPM
  • Step 3. Since we are splitting the lines at the shoreline, we have multiple calculations:
    1. Calculate the friction loss for the full flow of 57 LPM for 50’ to the shoreline. Based on the chart, we can divide the 100’ numbers by two to estimate 50’. Using 3/8” diameter tubing, our friction loss will be about 0.23 PSI. Using ½” our friction loss will be 0.07 PSI.
    2. Calculate the friction loss of each tube after the split. Total flow is 57 LPM, so in theory 28.5 LPM or ~1 CFM will flow to each diffuser. This is accurate if both diffusers are at the same depth. 3/8” diameter tubing friction loss: 0.12 PSI for each – total of 0.24 PSI. ½” diameter tubing friction loss: 0.02 PSI – total of 0.04 PSI.
    3. Add 1 and 2 together to get the total friction loss: 3/8” diameter tubing: 0.47 PSI. Total friction loss for ½” diameter tubing: 0.11 PSI
  • Step 4: Again, we would recommend using ½” tubing from the pump to the shoreline and from the shoreline to each diffuser. Total pressure would be slightly less than only running 1 diffuser at 3.82 PSI.
  • It is important to keep in mind that each diffuser is receiving around 27 LPM, so it is important the flow is within your diffuser’s recommendations. If it is not, you would maybe consider bumping up to the HP-100LL to get some more air flow to run each diffuser. If bumping up to a bigger model, it would be advisable to run through the calculations again.
  • Once your system is set-up, we suggest investing in a 0-10 PSI pressure gauge. You can install a “T” just outside of the pump’s port and check it from time to time to make sure the pressure stays consistent. If there is a significant loss in pressure or increase in pressure, you can identify the cause and fix the issue before it is too late.

Author: Mike Miner